Posted in Journal

Inappropriate fascination with and despising of our bodies

3 John 1: 2 “2Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.”

I feel like God has been saying to me…Inappropriate fascination and/or despising of our bodies is sin before God and is opening doors to the devil. We are allowing satan in and we aren’t even aware that we have. We have hated parts of ourselves or our make up. We have despised something God created. We must repent and speak well of our bodies and who He has created us to be since He is the one that formed each of us fearfully and wonderfully in our mother’s womb. He paid a high price. Satan hates our bodies because they are the temple of the living God so he brings affliction, torment, disease and we play right into his hand. Break ranks with the evil one and come into agreement with God’s view of your body and by the power of the blood of Jesus…you will be cleansed, delivered, freed, healed, transformed. Jesus, He loves to heal. Break ranks with the evil one. Change your private discourse with the reflection in the mirror. Stop hating self. Fill yourself with gratitude and praise for God’s creation. You are the one He formed. He loves your body, not just your soul. Don’t look at the scale and hate yourselves. Is five pounds worth demonic oppression and/or affliction in your body? Break ranks with the evil one over this issue. You wonder why you see so little power, so little healing. As is written in 3 John 1: 2, He wants to prosper your bodies just as your souls prosper. “2Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.”

He wants to touch this issue and then release healing. Would someone come forth and lift holy hands and pray like they believe in healing? Like they believe in the power of God? He IS going to heal as a testimony to His Word. He is going to rescue. He is going to deliver. Five or even twenty lbs is not worth affliction and oppression and if you continue to bond with him the devil is going to do everything to keep that twenty pounds on you… so you stay forever hating and forever oppressed. Satan hates you and your body.

This same hatred of self is rooted in a need to feel acceptance and love. Striving for these from sources others than God Himself has led you to a life of self hatred and it has shown itself in many ways in God’s children-eating disorders, depression, panic attacks, cutting, suicide attempts, smoking, alcohol use, drug use, pornography, abortion, adultery, divorce and the seduction of the evil one through media. Repent of these things and be forgiven. Be healed, be restored…by your own restoration allow restoration for your children. Repent and be healed but don’t strive for healing. Jesus loves to heal. Accept it. Be whole. Jesus loves to heal.

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