Posted in Journal

When the Father Says, “No!”

It seems like lately, I have received more than once the gift of the Father’s “No.” Did I receive them willingly? I confess even though I ask for “Thy will be done in my life (and my family’s lives) as it is in heaven,” hearing and accepting “NO” as His will isn’t always easy. I have been guilty of fighting against God’s “No.” I have kicked and cried like a child hoping if my cries were loud enough, it would all go away. Or enough tears would turn the “no” to “yes.” But in the end, there truly is only one choice for a child in a tantrum, and for me – hush, surrender, and accept the answer – no matter the answer.

Help me, Lord, to trust You and Your “no” as much as I do Your “yes.” Help me to receive them as gladly and be just as content knowing they are Your gifts and good will come of each and every “No.” Help me, Father. I ask in Jesus’ Name! Amen!!!

The following picture is from Elisabeth Elliot’s book – A Lamp for My Feet.